Friday, February 10, 2006

The approach to the Embassy dining facility. I have no idea what the building really looks like, 'cuz it's completely surrounded by these 12 foot high concrete "T-walls!" They call them that because each section looks like an upside down "T" from the side. T-wall is everywhere in the Green Zone (by the way, I'm told that it's not referred to officially as the "Green Zone." It's the "International Zone," or "IZ" for short). Man, if I'd had a crystal ball, T-wall manufacturers were the place to invest in 2004-2005! IZ probably suits the area better anyway. It's amazing how many nationalities there are here! I sit next to an Italian General at each morning's briefing, and there are Australians and Brits on the staff as well. Security guards are unbelievably diverse! I figured out a lot of them are Hondurans, but there are Salvadorans, Ghurkas, Afrikaaners, and who knows what else! Posted by Picasa

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